#eye #eye


160 x 210mm 54 pages
Design and works by Vera Yijun Zhou

When we were traveling in Mauritius, I became friends with a family next to my hotel. Before leaving, I promised that they would keep in touch with them by E-mail and send them mosquito pats from China as a gift (as they could not afford one), and I would return to visit them again.After returning home, when I developed the film, I found that the first time I tried to use the flash, I got the shutter and flash connected at the wrong speed, and every photo using the flash only half of the light entered.
During many years, I never returned to Mauritius and never sent an E-email to them. Not even the electric mosquito pats. I learned how to use the camera and flash properly, as well as how to take perfectly exposed photos. I no longer use film cameras, so every photo can be displayed on the LED screen, there are no more irreparable mistakes
Once my hard disk broke down. When I opened the scanned file again after recovering the data, many files were lost and many files appeared weird cracks on them.
Memory fades, film fades, and even digitally stored files fade, so does kindness.

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