designed by Vera Yijun Zhou
本书是为作者高波于 2017 年 2 月 8 日- 4 月 9 日在法国巴黎欧洲摄影博物馆题为 “GAO BO 高波 | 谨献 THE OFFERINGS ”作品展览特别敬献的限量珍藏版作品集, 由北京雅昌艺术图书有限公司与欧洲摄影博物馆联合出版。
The present limited edition appears on the occasion of the exhibition GAO BO 高波 | 谨献 THE OFFERINGS in the Maison Européenne de la photographie, from February 8 to april 9 in Paris. Published by Artron Books and la Maison Européenne de la Photographie.
Tibet 1985-1995 Photographs
designed by Vera Yijun Zhou
本书是为作者高波于 2017 年 2 月 8 日- 4 月 9 日在法国巴黎欧洲摄影博物馆题为 “GAO BO 高波 | 谨献 THE OFFERINGS ”作品展览特别敬献的限量珍藏版作品集, 由北京雅昌艺术图书有限公司与欧洲摄影博物馆联合出版。
本书是作者于 2009 年重新整理组合完成的一套黑白摄影作品,全套共 148 幅(近 400 张 照片)。所有照片都是艺术家高波从 1985 至 1995 前后十年西藏云游期间拍摄的 100 多卷 135 黑白胶卷里筛选出的,拍摄范围涵盖整个中国的大藏区。这些原始照片之前在底片袋里已 经沉寂了近 15 年。2009 年夏天,艺术家高波背着他经过重新组合后的 148 幅作品再次回到 西藏,他用自己的血和他的“心语”与那里的西藏人一起,以“自动书写”的方式共同完成了 这套经过二度创作的限量珍藏版作品集《西藏 1985-1995》里的作品。全套作品好似一部哼 鸣的“奉献弥赛亚”,弥漫在由艺术家手工制作完成的珍本里。
本书分为上下两册,有编号限量 01-50 册珍藏版。作者,出版人及收藏者无编号附艺术家 高波签名原作及证书的 A / P 版样书 10 本。
《西藏 1985-1995》画册内全套 148 幅原作均为独幅作品。书内藏品均来自法国巴黎欧洲摄影博物馆馆藏及钟维兴先生私人收藏。
The present limited edition appears on the occasion of the exhibition GAO BO 高波 | 谨献 THE OFFERINGS in the Maison Européenne de la photographie, from February 8 to april 9 in Paris. Published by Artron Books and la Maison Européenne de la Photographie.
About this limited edition collection
This book is a collection of black and white photography reassembled in 2009 from unique prints. The entire collection is 148 prints (almost 400 photographs). All the photographs were taken by artist Gao Bo from the years 1985 to 1995. During ten years of travel in Tibet, he took more than hundred rolls of 35mm black and white film worth of photographs covering all of the greater Tibet region. The original film for the photographs went untouched for almost fifteen years. In the summer of 2009, the artist Gao Bo carried the 148 newly assembled prints back to Tibet, working with local Tibetans to use his own blood and an automated script —- his “language from the soul” — to complete a second dimension of creation on the photographs in order to produce the works in this limited collector’s edition of “Tibet 1985 - 1995.” The hum of “votive mass” seems to permeate throughout this rare volume handmade by the artist.
This book is copy number 01-50. Indicating that the two volumes so numbered are part of a limited edition of fifty and with ten copies for artist, publisher, collectors, each with an original platinum print and a collection certificate signed with the A/P numbered by the artist Gao Bo.
This volume “Tibet 1985 - 1995” is the only full set of 148 original works. Inside this volume are also items from the collection of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, France and from the personal collection of Zhong Weixing.